G5: High Tower Tavern and Hostelry

This inn, distinguished by its tall tower, pointed at the top like the hat of an old and eccentric wizard, is a favorite of the city's upper reaches. It is unpretentious and not as expensive as most neighboring establishments. The style of dress might not be as elegant here as at the Patricians' Club, but it would be hard to find customers who are having a better time.

The proprietor, Eric Goodfellow, was once an aspiring mage, even reaching the 4th level of experience before deciding that his life calling involved more sedentary pursuits. He still keeps his hand in the magical arts, but he keeps his magic use quiet, known only to himself, his good friends, and the occasional customers who have seen him cast a magical spell.

This is the favorite gathering place of the powerful wizards of the Council of Eight, when one or more of them are in Greyhawk. On most occasions, these wizards disguise themselves before venturing out in public. Otto, Tenser, and Nystul are the three wizards most commonly encountered here.

Though the inn hosts no gambling activities, quiet games of chance between patrons are common. The standards of honor here are high, and the letters of debt are often accepted in lieu of immediate payment. However, a player is not usually welcomed into a game without a recommendation from a regular customer. If one should cheat, or welsh on a bet, that player's reputation throughout the Free City is tremendously muddied.

The High Tower Tavern and Hostelry rents about a half-dozen plush, reasonably priced sleeping chambers, each with maid service and private washing facilities. These are much sought after by visitors to the city, but only Eric's good friends or most respected customers can usually get a room.

Three rooms, each a separate floor, in the tower of the inn are private chambers, often granted to regular customers who wish to enjoy recreation or discussion out of the public eye.

GS: High Tower Tavern and Hostelry. The High Tower Tavern is an unpretentious spot that makes up for its lack of elegance with a relaxed atmosphere and numerous loyal customers, including many wizards from the Guild of Wizardry and some from the Circle of Eight. The proprietor, Eric Goodfellow [NG em W4; hp S], rarely practices magic as he is fully occupied with running the business. Games of chance, particularly cards and similar games involving great concentration, are common among patrons. Six excellent rooms (for private games or for overnight guests) are available for rent, but only to friends of Eric. The front tower of this building, shaped and painted like a pointed wizard’s hat, has three floors (each a single room) available for overnight rent but without beds.

DM's Notes: Aside from its value as a source of innumerable rumors and bits of gossip flying around the city, this is a superb place to make the acquaintance of important upper class NPCs, If a character is polite and honorable, sound and enduring contacts can be made leading to important tips and news. A poker game against members of the Circle of Eight would be very interesting to play out.


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