G6: Star of Celene

This is the most popular inn and gathering spot for elves in the Free City. It is quiet and dignified, as befits an establishment for that ancient race. Only those of elven blood, or the guests of elves, are generally admitted (though an occasional human noble or wealthy merchant will bluster his way into the place). The aloofness of the other guests and the employees is generally enough to dissuade such boors from returning.

The Star of Celene is quietly decorated, mostly in wood. The floors are polished mahogany. The rooms are large, with a great deal of space between the tables. The restaurant serves a variety of excellent dishes, specializing in herbal salads and vegetable casseroles.

The Star of Celene has several very comfortable, very private apartments. These are not for rent, but rather are offered to official visitors from Celene and other elven realms. Fioranna Aielestriel, though she represents the interests of Nyrond in the Free City, has by virtue of her elven blood found a comfortable retreat in the Star. She often uses one of these apartments for her official business.

G6: Star of Celene Inn. A half-elf bard from Courwood purchased this small mansion and turned it into an inn that caters to others from the Kingdom of Celene and their guests. All business is conducted in the old elvish language common to olvenfolk across the Flanaess. Others may enter, of course, but uninvited sorts are steered to a special room in the back where they receive indifferent service; few return. The inn is large and airy, with elaborately carved wood furnishings and silk wall hangings. The inn features four apartments that are not for rent; instead, they are given gratis to official visitors from Celene or other elven realms. Fioranna Aielestriel (see H10) is sometimes seen here, as are merchants and envoys from the Duchy of Ulek and elf tribes in the Gnarley Forest and Welkwood. The current owner is the same half-elf who founded the inn, Finnobhar Aodhin [NG em B9; hp 31; Int 16, Cha 18; magical musical instruments, scrolls].

DM's Notes: The “problem at court” (Queen Yolande’s refusal to aid neighboring states against their common enemies) is a much debated subject here among guests. Some elves who comes here are secretly members of the Knights of Luna; the Knights oppose the queen’s isolationism. Elf characters who agree with the goals of the Knights of Luna might be quietly brought into that organization if they will go on special missions to succor potential allies of Celene against Iuz and the Orcish Empire of the Pomarj.


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