G7: City Watch Station

This is the guard house of the City Watch in the Garden Quarter. See Ch2 FFF for details.

G7: Garden Quarter City Watch Station. This is the guard house of the City Watch for this quarter. Once a minor noble’s home, the building was donated to the city government in the noble’s will — a gift that made the noble’s memory a happy one to the Watch. Following the unexpected attack on the Sacred Temple of St. Cuthbert in 581 Cy and the general rise in dangerous religious cults since then, the number of patrols based here has been increased to six standard and three elite, as detailed in the section, “NPC Statistics: Law and the Military.” Some spellcasters have been brought into the Watch, but their function, numbers, and powers have not been publicly revealed.

DM's Notes: Characters will not run afoul of the City Watch here unless they attract attention to themselves. (Or so it is said.) A Watch patrol based here recently caught and destroyed an undead thief in the neighborhood, and patrols are careful to ward themselves from a variety of undead types when approaching suspicious characters. Necromancer characters will be arrested for questioning.


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