G9: The Grand Theatre

This sprawling edifice, surrounded by wide plazas and stone columns, shares the building with the smaller Playhouse Theatre. They are fully detailed in Ch6 FFF.

G9: Grand Theater. This huge baroque building is surrounded by wide plazas and stone columns. It is an old architectural marvel that presents classical dramas, orchestra and choir music, bardic entertainment, and more all year long, except during the holiday in the second week of Goodmonth. The Grand Theater sits next to the smaller Playhouse Theater, which offers unusual productions and comedies. The Grand Theater’s performances range in cost from a few silver pieces to a handful of gold, depending on what is offered. The Theater Director is 101-year-old Kahati Kellainen [CG Zem CS — Olidammara; hp 19; Dex 17, Wis 16, Cha 16], who came to Greyhawk from Keoland years ago. He looks young, is very cultured, and has a long hatred of his main competition, the Royal Opera House. The Grand Theater employs a dozen halflings and gnomes as stage hands, some of whom belong to the Thieves’ Guild and inform their secret bosses of potential victims here.

DM's Notes: The bitter rivalry between the Grand Theater and the Royal Opera House has gotten out of hand on numerous occasions. Characters can be caught up in the long-standing rivalry in many ways, particularly if they can be tricked into damaging the reputation or property of either establishment.


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