Garbage Hill

The hillside and riverbank south of the wharf is strewn with garbage and sewage from the city that didn't quite make it to the river. Sometimes the end of a garbage hauler's workday comes before he drops his last load, and so he dumps it when the bell sounds. Or perhaps a wagon breaks or a horse goes lame. Also, citizens living near the Marsh Gate often haul garbage through the gate and dump it here to be spared the rigid scheduJe of guild pickup.

The garbage is not so much piled here as spread thinly across a great expanse of ground. It is impossible to walk among it without begriming boots or shoes, but leggings and pantaloons are safe.

The garbage is the constant feeding ground of ravens, rats, and dogs. All of these scavengers are aggressive about their choice feeding sites, and the dogs often pack together to drive intruders out of the garbage. Of course, they don't bother those who dump additional garbage at the fringe of the slowly growing waste.


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