“When most people see the garrison, it makes them feel safe, like we’re watching out for them. But when I walk past the garrison, I feel tired. Must have been all those push-ups in basic training.”

—Cholak, city watch rookie

Social Class: Middle.

Power Center: Often—nonstandard (military leaders).

Buildings: Garrison building, temple (Heironeous, Kord, St. Cuthbert), average lodging (5%), poor lodging (2%), fi ne food (2%), average food (5%), poor food (3%), fi ne trades (5%), average trades (9%), poor trades (2%), average services (11%), average residences (43%), poor residences (11%).

Description: The sounds of barked orders, marching boots, clacking hooves, and clanging metal dominate this neighborhood. This is the home and practice ground of the city’s watch, its soldiers, or both. Most of the buildings here are traditional in style, matching those found elsewhere in the city, but the garrison itself resembles a fortress. Built of stone, it has narrow windows and flat roofs with crenellations to cover defending archers. Patrols move in and out of the garrison on a regular basis, usually during shift changes.

Plot Hook: Crime has skyrocketed in the city. Oddly enough, most members of the watch seem suddenly lethargic and apathetic to this turn of events. They do not show up for work, or they patrol listlessly. They often take no action when they do spot a crime, and fi ght poorly if they do intervene. Have these people been poisoned? Enchanted? Replaced? Someone must investigate—but the watch itself cannot.


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