Garyne the Shroudrender

The fearsome Shroudrender stands 6'4" and a hulking 258 lbs., his short cropped brown hair and beard making him look a little older than his 29 years. His eyes are hooded, seeming almost always half-closed, but the vigilant Garyne is ever alert. When he is asleep, his rod of alertness warns him of any approaching creature, and his entourage of commanded undead (2-5 zombies and 2-5 skeletons) is led by a ghast of notable cunning, ferocity, and size (28 hps).

Garyne rejoices in pain and death, and is even more evil than his High Priestess, if this is possible. Garyne is also fascinated by numbers, in a specific way: he has ledgers of every last copper piece sent to Molag, Rauxes, and similar havens of Nerull temples, and he loves to add up the sums, work out how much has been sent on average per month, and so on. Since he is fairly dumb, this takes him a lot of time, but he gets there in the end.

Should PCs get their hands on these ledgers, they might become aware of struggling temples of Nerull in less affluent lands which have been supported by actions in Greyhawk. This sets up an opportunity for the DM to send the PCs on a mission to root out one or more of these temples. Specifics are left to the DM, who will wish to choose carefully which countries outside of Greyhawk he would want to set such an adventure in.

AC O (plate mail + 2 and Dex 15 MV 12; Pr7; hp 46; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 + 5 (sickle + 2, + 3 vs. spellcasters Str 18, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 18, Cha 7; AL NE (LE).

Spells: 5 1st, 5 2nd, 3 3rd, and 2 4th.

Spells usually memorized: command, cause light wounds, darkness ( x 2), fear, aid, darkness 15' radius, hold person ( x 2), silence 15' radius, bestow curse, continual darkness, dispel magic, obscure tongues, spell immunity (cast against hold person).

Magical items: plate mail +2; sickle + 2, + 3 vs. spellcasters; rod of alert ness, ring of warmth, potion of Dying, scroll of protection, Keoghtom 's ointment.


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