Gaspar The Beggarmaster

Gaspar is 55 years old, 5'8" tall, and 220 lbs. As seems to be the tradition with Beggarmasters, Gaspar is bald and overweight, and dresses in a gaudy array of tattered silks and faded finery. Holding court from the throne room of the Palace of Trash, Gaspar is the undisputed King of the Beggars. Under his leadership the union has prospered as never before, and the union's coffers are swollen to the bursting point.

Gaspar scrupulously ensures that the Beggars' Union's activities stay within the boundaries defined by the charter with the Thieves' Guild. Union members who violate the charter are ruthlessly dealt with, and reparations are made when necessary to the thieves. While they have never been friends, Gaspar and the present Grandmaster of Thieves, Org Nenshen, have a good working relationship, and the natural antagonism between the two organizations has eased considerably.

AC 5 (leather armor, cloak of protection +3 MV 9; F10; hp 82; THACO 10; # AT 3/2; Dmg 1 d8 + 2 (scimitar of speed + 2 Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 14; AL N.

Magical items: cloak of protection + 3, scimitar of speed + 2, plus various minor items secreted in the Palace of Trash (DM's discretion).


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