Geren Laraith Ranger and Werefriend

Geren is 24 years old, 6'3", 180 lbs, with brown hair and hazel eyes. Born in Dyvers, he has spent time patrolling the perilous Gnarley Forest, where he has wreaked havoc on a bugbear tribe which killed some of his childhood friends. Geren is a rough-and-ready woodsman, with no time for pretensions or affectation. but he likes elvenkind and gnomes, and readily strikes up friendships with them. Geren strongly dislikes paladins and other lawful good fighter-types, however, having had an unfortunate experience with a stuck-up warrior in his youth. Nastassia? "Well, she's different," he says curtly. The gruff man is rather in love with her, as most males who know her are.

In the wilderness, Geren often carries a composite long bow. but uses his magi cal arrows sparingly unless he happens to have a good supply of them. In general, he regards his great physical resilience (his very high hp total) as being his major asset, and feels no great necessity for magical aids. His honorific name is due to his friendship with werebears who live in the Gnarley Forest, whom he visits at least once each year.

AC 4 (elven chain and shield + 1 MV 9; R5; hp 58; THACO 16; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 +3 (spear +2 Str 16, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 11; SA +4 to hit vs. bugbears; AL NG.

Magical items: shield + 1, spear + 2, potion of healing, arrows +2 (4), and a stone with continual light cast on it.


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