Geren Laraith

AC 2 to - 2 (chain mail +3, defender sword MV 12; R8; hp 87; THACO 13; #AT 312 + 1; Dmg ld6 +3 (spear +2) and ld8 + 1-5 (defender longsword Str 16, Dex 9, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 11; SA +4 to hit vs. bugbears, 1 1st-level priest spell per day (typically animal friendship SD 49% hide in shadows, 62% move silently; AL NG.

Magical items: chain mail +3, spear +2, defender long sword + 4, composite longbow + 2, arrows + 1 ( 14), arrows + 2 (8), bracers of archery, gem with continual light cast on it.

Physical appearance: Geren now weighs but 160 Ibs, very lean for his height, and although he is but 27 years old, he has salt-andpepper greyed hair at his temples, and appears older than his years. Geren was wounded by a bone hook-fauchard wielded by a fiend during the retreat to Chendl, and the wound left an ugly scar along the calf of his left leg (costing him a point of Dexterity in the bargain).


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