Once you have the stronghold worked up to your satisfaction, there’s still one more thing to do. Show your design to your DM, who should look over the design carefully before work begins on the stronghold.

Just because you have managed to design your stronghold and pay your gold doesn’t mean it pops up at the end of the construction period. The DM might describe problems during are more mundane: the price of marble goes up unexpectedly, or the stonemasons go on strike.

If any problems do occur, realize that the DM isn’t describing them to see your eyes roll back into your head as you argue with the construction foreman or haggle with a spellcaster. It’s probably part of some larger plot that you’re seeing the beginning of. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS is a game about adventure, not supervising builders as they put your stronghold together.

construction that the characters will have to deal with. Maybe unscrupulous mercenaries try to seize the stronghold for themselves, or perhaps excavation reveals a mysterious cave complex. Other problems


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