
Giant humanoids pose a special case when it comes to scaling walls. Theoretically, a unit of giants could be equipped with ladders or grapples of a scale appropriate to the creatures’ size. (Obviously, normal grapples or ladders would be useless to giants; conversely, such equipment for giants could not be used by normal-sized troops.) Giants can climb appropriately-sized ropes or ladders at twice the rate for other troops: in other words, 2” of movement allowance to climb 2” (20’ scale) for ladders, and 3” of movement allowance to climb 2” for grapples.

Giants are able to scale walls 1.25 times their height without using any equipment. (The height of different types of giants can be found in the AD&D MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM® accessories. A wall less than one-half the height of a giant qualifies as an obstacle (with the appropriate movement cost to cross).

Climbing a wall between one-half and 1.25 times the giant’s height takes one complete turn. Like troops using grapples, giants climbing such a wall must successfully make a Morale Check to be able to attack when they reach the top.


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