Gleaming Glades

This northern tip of the Gnarley Forest is noteworthy because of the health and fertility of the plant life there. Visitors swear that sunlight seems different standing within these glades, as if the warm yellow light had a life of its own, dancing and flowing around the trees.

Be that as it may, the gleaming glades are home to a group of reclusive druids of Obad-hai. There are five druids living here ranging in level from 4th to 9th. They do not get on well with the priesthood of Ehlonna which forms the large majority of the Gnarley Forest nature priests. They avoid contact with outsiders. However, the druidic tombs will always have at least one druid keeping watch over them. This is the easiest place to find the druids. These “tombs” are actually simple earth mounds, which have young oaks growing from them. These druids believe in reincarnation, and what better after one's death than to bring forth new life as the young trees flourish. Nonetheless, they will not stand by and watch the curious poke about at the tombs.

The druids of Obad-hai have a dangerous plan of action in mind. They seek to visit the Vesve and regenerate the plant life of the razed orclands, which were left in ashes by Belvor and his troops during the wars (see Highfolk chapter). This plan would appall Belvor, who would see it as merely reestablishing the habitats from which the orcs were painstakingly driven out. The druids, of course, are other-worldly souls who really do not care much for the affairs of men or orcs. They mean well, but their plan is unwise. They will try to recruit what help they can, and they will claim to know where there are buried treasures in the Vesve to player characters who may meet them (whether they do is left to the Dungeon Master). Of course, any player characters accompanying them on their work, will be in bad favor with the king if his agents in the Vesve discover what they are doing.


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