Glodreddi Bakkanin Inspector of Taxes

AC 1 (dwarven-sized leather armor +2) ; MV 12; T10; hp44; THACO 16/14; # AT 1; Dmg 1d8 + 2 (battle axe + 2; also uses net of entrapment Str 11, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 5; AL LE (LN).

Magical items: battle axe + 2, leather annor + 2, net of entrapment.

Glodreddi is a male dwarf some 314 years old, 4'11" tall, 175 lbs., with black curly hair, brown eyes, and an ever-present sneering grin. He has dwelt in Greyhawk for some 25 years, gaining a thief level or two on the way, and due to his exceptional mental abilities soon found himself book-keeper for the Thieves' Guild. It has been a logical progression for him to become Inspector of Taxes.

All that one needs to know about the head of the GRS is that only one person has ever been brought to trial for trying to bribe him, doubtless due to the ridiculously small size of the bribe offered (Glodreddi's pride was offended). Glodreddi makes a great deal of money because of his role in advising judges and magistrates of a defendant's ability to pay fines expressed as a percentage of the convicted person's total wealth. The usual deal is for Glodreddi to understate someone's wealth by about 20%, in return for which 10% is paid to him by the defendant, and about one-third of this amount is kicked back to the junior inspector who assessed the value of the person's property and assets in the first place.

Fully three-quarters of Glodreddi's staff of 120 are dwarves, almost all of LN and LE alignments. Some are accountants, but many are the dwarves who go around knocking on doors, usually clad in chain mail and carrying clubs and axes in case of violent resistance, plus the uniquitous nets and mancatchers.

Glodreddi makes sure that the coffers of Greyhawk stay full. Appointing the People's Constables was one of his ingenious ideas, and Likewise the use of forced hard labor for any prisoner capable of it has reduced public spending and saved the Free City a fortune. Glodreddi likes burgeoning coffers which please Nerof and the other Directors, who are then much less likely to hear any complaints against Glodreddi from other quarters. The GRS head is a wily, devious, and very greedy dwarf, and he is feared by most Greyhawkers. PCs may learn to fear him as well!

From Adventure Begins

Glodreddi Bakkanin*, Inspector of Taxes, Greyhawk Revenue Service [LE dm T10; hp 44; Dex 18, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 5; age unknown but over 100 (old areas H17/GC7/C7]. A financial genius and cold-hearted schemer who constantly looks for new ways to bilk the public out of money to fill Greyhawk’s treasury; vengeful and long of memory; grossly corrupt and wicked even by Greyhawk’s low standards; past history and personal life are unknown; feared and avoided by nearly everyone; extremely dangerous to cross.


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