Gnomes Ethnicity in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Establishing themselves as learned engineers and skilled craftsman, Blackmoor’s gnomes earn their living working cooperatively with High Thonians and dwarven engineers. Gnomes love to solve puzzles and their mental and manual agility make them welcome company. Personality: Gnomes are an open and trusting people whose lives revolve around their work. While kind to each other and their patrons, gnomes are easily annoyed by individuals who needlessly distract them from their precious work. The defi nition of need is of course up to the gnome in question. As such, gnomes are often chided for their blunt behavior. Nobles who need their skills tolerate them, but revel when they are free of them. Left to themselves and their work, gnomes are pleasant. They work hours at a time on their precious gadgets and are driven to complete every project they start. Physical Description: Gnomes stand 3 to 3 1/2 feet high. Their skin is light to dark brown, depending on their current home and the amount of sunlight to which they are exposed. Gnome hair is fair, and their eyes bluish. Gnomes favor short hair, and their men wear beards as a sign of status. They wear very practical clothing that sports pockets and belts for holding tools; they seem to be able to produce any needed item from these pockets Alignment: Gnomes prize learning and research above all other pursuits. They tend toward order and good. Those who lean toward the darker side do not spend time learning and are often considered troublemakers. Relations: Due to their abilities and knowledge, gnomes have good relations with most races. They are found in most human settlements and dwarven strongholds. Gnomes carry the disdain of many people, though, as they have poor manners in public. They are nonetheless tolerated because of their valuable skills. Gnome Lands: Originally Blackmoor’s gnomes hailed from Southern lands, but in the last 200 years gnomes have embedded themselves into the cultures of Blackmoor’s residents. They are frequently found in affl uent areas populated by learned people. The largest gnome populations are in the City of Blackmoor and in the halls of the Regent of the Mines. Gnome Culture: Gnomes are nomadic, constantly seeking information and knowledge. Families of engineers and craftsmen travel in Gypsy-like bands that resemble patriarchal tribes. Gnomes sleep outside when possible, even though they are rarely short on money — though they admire knowledge and ability more than gold. Gnomes are frugal and refrain from showing wealth in public.
Gnomes and halflings dress in a similar fashion, often replacing their trousers with knee-length britches. The gnomes favor more stolid colors — brown breeks, a tan blouse, green boots and belt, with a dark brown jacket or coat. A halfling in the same garb might have a yellow shirt and top off with a cap of green with a bright yellow feather in it. Both races will often wear striped clothing. When hunting or at war, they likewise favor garb of a curiously mottled sort, with greens and browns intermixed.
Religion: As a race, gnomes worship gods from both the dwarven and gnomish pantheons. They view the afterlife as many dwarves and humans do and call to the gods only when in need, evoking the name of specifi c deities when a situation warrants that god’s particular attention.
Language: Gnomes speak their own language, as well as Dwarven and Common. They also learn the languages of their patrons’ races, as well as Elven (Cumasti) and Orc. Additionally, gnomes can speak Beastial, Draconic, Giant, and Goblin. Male Names: Bras, Garis, Gimble, Greeble, Jayu, Opper, Ploff, Quisal, Shudas, Slaru, Smatri, Steiner, Topno. Female Names: Aulda, Bingansell, Cenal, Envaree, Fillion, Gara, Gorela, Inzala, Ripla, Shalpae, Stelpha, Tiderest. Family Names: Drest, Drimbo, Maggen, Reqea, Sesec, Sikser, Stilouna, Swik, Yunnes, Zeltar, Zodda. Adventurers: Gnomes adventure in quests for knowledge. Caring little for money unless it can be used to teach themselves, gnomes often use magic to expand their own abilities and their inventions’ capabilities. Some gnomes adventure in an effort to expand their horizons away from technical subjects. Many such gnomes become bards and attempt to bring music to the world as a message of peace.

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