Social Class: Lower.

Power Center: Often—nonstandard (chieftain).

Buildings: Temple (Maglubiyet, sometimes Gruumsh or Kurtulmak), poor lodging (1%), poor food (8%), poor trades (20%), poor services (10%), poor residences (59%).

Description: While most such districts are populated by goblinoids alone, some also contain other brutish humanoids such as orcs, and the racial tensions often result in fights. The area reeks: Streets are cluttered with trash, and the sewer grates (if any) are often backed up. Buildings are squalid and cramped. The guttural sounds of Goblin (and sometimes Orc) contribute to the harsh atmosphere. The city watch rarely bothers to patrol here, being more interested in making sure the district’s inhabitants don’t make trouble in other areas, so the crime rate is high.

Plot Hook: A street war has erupted between orcs and goblinoids in the district. The city watch has mobilized, but only to ensure that the violence does not spill over into other districts. Both warring sides have offered the PCs riches in exchange for their aid in wiping out the other side. The PCs could simply accept either offer (or both, playing the two sides against each other), or instead investigate what caused the struggle in the fi rst place, in hopes of restoring peace.


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