Grey College Observatory

Located a little way Crom the city wall to avoid the torchlight spilling from the guard posts at night, this domed building serves as classroom and laboratory for the study of the skies. It is owned by Grey College, and the Observatory Tutor, Hiram Macksenian, is a full professor at the college. The observatory is used by sages, alchemists, students, faculty of other colleges, and nobles as well. All of these other users provide a pleasant influx to the coffers of Grey College.

SPELLJAMMER options: The local clergy of Celestian keeps records of its voyages into the cosmos in a secret room below the Grey College Observatory. Few people know that some followers of Celestian actually voyage into wildspace (locally called Greyspace most people have the idea that Celestian’s congregation is supposed to travel to the stars, but this is not taken seriously. The clerics of Celestian keep news of their travels secret from outsiders.


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