Greyspace Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Although Oerth is the dominant world in Greyspace, it is definitely not the only cradle of life in the system. Worlds such as Kule, Raenei, and Edill, among many others, have their own native life forms and civilizations. Each has its own secrets, its trea sures, and its dangers to entice and threaten doughty explorers courageous enough to brave the perils of wildspace.

This book details the races that live on the various astronomical bodies: the dragons of Edill, the un dead of Gnibile, the humanoids of Borka, and others. It describestheir civilizations and societies, their phi losophies and views of the universe around them, and their relationships to the other inhabitants of the Greyspace system.

Kule is a Voidworld, rarely visited by spacefarers. Yet, at one time, it was home to an unknown, highly civilized race long since vanished from the crystal sphere.

Liga, “the sun,” is a fire world, its temperature moderated by strange connections with the Elemen tal Plane of Water. It is home to various fire-dwelling creatures, including an outpost of efreet who have recently discovered spelljamming technology.

Borka is the shattered remnant of a humanoid-inhabited world, destroyed in the first Gnhuman War by the elves. Although the elves think that the threat Borka once represented has ended, they could hard ly be more wrong.

The planetary denizens of Greyspace are not the only challenges that the sphere offers to brave ad venturers. There are many spacefarers in addition to player character explorers: spacefaring companies and trading costers, adventuring groups, explorers’ societies, and interplanetary pirates. Further, the crystal sphere is home to monsters totally unlike those encountered anywhere else—the porton, the skykine, and the dreaded horg.

As spacefaring mages have come to learn, the physical manifestations of magic often differ be tween crystal spheres. Thus, Greyspace is the source of several magical items that are only slowly dissem inating throughout the rest of the known universe.

Religions, and the relationships between the dei ties and their mortal followers, also differ widely be tween crystal spheres. The section beginning on page 89 describes the various religions that exist within Greyspace, and discusses the history of the deities most commonly associated with Oerth. And finally, Greyspace provides its share of adven turing ideas—“story seeds” to stimulate the DM’s imagination.

There is much to learn in Greyspace—much trea sure to amass and much evil to oppose. Sail on, and may the winds of wildspace always be at your backs!

Greyspace was part of a triangular configuration in the flow of the phlogiston that also included Realmspace and Krynnspace. The flow allowed two-way spelljammer travel between Realmspace and Greyspace, as well as one-way travel from Greyspace to Krynnspace.


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