Grimmri Fischer Jokester

Grimmri, usually known simply as Fischer, is 3'10" tall, 72 lbs., 414 years old, with black hair, a ruddy complexion, small but brightly alert black eyes, and a handlebar moustache of which he is inordinately proud, waxing it often. Fischer's chronic lament is that he always wanted to be a bard, but failed the entrance examination because of his voice. Fischer's singing voice has to be heard to be believed; it sounds like a hobgoblin with a hernia being slowly strangled inside a dustbin.

Fischer is a practical joker of the first order. Inside his bag of holding the gnome hides articulated snakes made of wire and pliable wax, horribly hairy spiders with long, dangling legs, luminous false noses, a variety of instruments for making rude noises, and worse.

The gnome has recently gotten his hands on a malleable rubberlike substance obtained from Hepmonaland trees, which he has gleefully fashioned into models, including the notorious Luminous Rubber Chicken which he has flourished at night and frightened the living daylights out of Kiri with it. Fischer gets away with this sort of behavior partly because of his amusing personality, and also because the little gnome's humor and good spirits keep up the morale of any group in difficult times.

Fischer hails from the Highfolk close by the Vesve Forest, and is an itinerant wanderer, but he has settled in Greyhawk and runs a small, modestly profitable locksmith's shop in the Thieves' Quarter (placement left to the DM) with a 3rd level dwarf thief apprentice of NG align ment, Dunnlen Samrad.

AC 3 (gnome-sized leather armor + 2 and Dex 17 MV 12; T8; hp 29; THAC0 17/15; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 +2 (dagger +2, Iongtooth Str 13, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 15; SA quadruple damage on backstab, + 1 to hit kobolds and gob lins; SD -4 from AC vs. certain large hu manoids; AL NG (CG).

Thieving skills: PP 60, OL 65, FT 60, MS 65, HS 50, DN 35, CW 75, RL 25.

Magical items: leather armor + 2; dag ger + 2, longtooth; bag of holding, ring of feather falling, ring of invisibility.


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