
This warren is actually a collection of small, underground villages, connected by mine tunnels, natural caverns. and overland trails. Its primary population centers are the five locations shown on the map.

The Gnomes: These industrious demihumans labor in their mines, jealously guard their frontiers, and shrewdly trade with emissaries of Greyhawk and beyond.

Gnomes encountered are not unfriendly unless the PCs' behavior gives them cause. Nor are they exceedingly kind or generous. If aid is granted, payment-within the aided ones' ability to pay-is expected. Likewise, aid granted will be rewarded.

The Warren: All of the dwellings are safely underground. The five entrances are all small, natural cave mouths, and each is screened with brush. Finding them is equivalent to finding a secret door.

The tunnels within the caves are large enough to accommodate a human; they average two to three feet in width and five to six feet in height.

Each cave mouth is guarded by a gnome patrol. The map of Grossettgrot tell shows the tunnel network, the en trances , the mining regions, and the villages of the warren itself.


This large gnome mining complex is detailed in GoF pp. 17-21. Grossettgrottell has always been under the Free City's rule, although it governs its own affairs, paying a small tithe to the Free City and exporting its products exclusively through it. In return, militia guard Stone Bridge and patrol the surrounding territory.

Gnome Patrol:

Captain: AC 3 (ring of protection +2 MV 6; F4; hp 29; THAC0 17; #AT 1: 0mg ld6 + 1 short sword + 1

Illusionist Gnome: AC 7; MV 6; 17; hp 15; THAC0 18; #AT l; Dmg ld4; Spells (at least one per spell level must be in the illusion/phantasm school): 5 1st, 4 2nd, 3 3rd, and 2 4th

20 Patrolling Gnomes: AC 5; MV 6; Fl: hp 6: THAC0 20: #AT 1: Dmg ld6

The patrol stations, including those at the entrances, are located in shadowy niches in the tunnel walls, alcoves barely large enough to conceal the contingent of gnomes stationed there. Here they will be unseen by any traveler approaching from any direction. There is a 25% chance, as one approaches a patrol station. that one or more of the gnomes there will sneeze. curse, or speak loud enough to alert a watchful and quiet traveler.

The villages each house about 150 gnomes. Half of these are adults. The gnome villages are large, airy caverns, expanded by excavation from the original caves naturally formed in the rock.

The dwellings are smaller caves, each a complex of several tiny rooms. with a single entrance leading into the village cavern. Several of these individual complexes are larger than most. One of these in each village is a large inn, replete with hearth, fire, and an assortment of food and drink. Though these are quite low ceilinged by human standards. a person can squeeze into a gnomish tavem If he really wants to.

Another large cavern complex, often approaching 20 separate rooms. with pipes carrying running water throughout, and usually boasting an ornamental fountain in the central gathering room, is inhabited by the village mayor. his family. and servants.

This mayor, or headman, also commands the village militia. That formation numbers approximately 50 fighters of levels 1-3, plus 2d4 gnomes of other classes-especially illusionists and thieves-of levels 1-4.

Each of these villages has a well. This is a pool of clear, cold water near the center of the village area. Each also has a smithy, gemcutters and toolmakers. and stonecarver shops. The majority of the gnomes, however, serve on the guard patrols or work in the mines.

The Great Hall. at the center of the warren, is large enough to hold the nearly 800 gnomes of Grossettgrottell without seeming crowded. Stalactites of rare slenderness hang down from the ceiling of the hall. These glow with a pale green phosphorescence that casts faint illumi nation through the whole, vast chamber.

A beautiful pool of crystalline water, reputedly capable of granting a wish to one pure of heart and selfless of desire, reflects this light from the center of the floor, amplifying and coloring it.

A wide variety of fungi grows through out this chamber, giving the air a heavy, musty smell that is really quite pleasant. The gnomes use the fast growing fungi as the staple element of their diet. They purchase most of the rest of their food from the traders on the surface.

The hall is the location of the gnomes' great vault, wherein they store the products of their mining endeavors until these are traded. This 1s guarded by a double contingent of guards. led by a 5th level fighter /illusionist.

Fighter /Illusionist Gnome: AC 3 (shield +2 MV 6; FS/15; THAC0 16; #AT 1; Dmg ld6 +2 (shortsword +2 Spells (at least one per spell level must in the illusion/phantasm school): 5 1st, 3 2nd, and 2 4th.

The vault can be opened only in the presence of all five headmen, who must tum their keys simultaneously. At any given time it holds 2d20 x 1,000 gp of stones, cut and uncut. It is generally opened only once a week.

The three mines are all situated along veins of rock proven to contain gems of several varieties. Diamonds and emeralds are the most valuable stones pulled from the earth here, though even more common are jade and amethyst.

The shaft leading to the Deep Mine plummets more than a mile into the earth. It has proven to yield the richest haul of all, but even great pay incentives have made the gnomes reluctant to work there. Gnomes laboring in the Deep Mine suffer an extraordinary rate of fatal accidents, and are far more prone to madness than their cousins working above. Rumors of a dark and evil presence. lurking just below the level of the Deep Mine, are commonly whispered throughout the warren.


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