Grossfort/Camps of the Barrens
Grossfort is occupied by the "Marauders of the North," a force of some 3,000 bandit warriors dominated by Grosskopf men. The handful of priests of Iuz here keep very much to themselves and rarely interfere with the orders of the bandit commander, Thorold Larsen, though they have him charmed, just in case. This garrison is well supplied, with nearly 400 good warhorses which allow the bandits to ride across most of the Northern Barrens in search of prey. Grossfort supports the three major northern Camps of the Barrens. At 20-mile intervals along the trails leading to them, there are crude stopover points, varying from a handful of wooden huts to simple tent encampments. Each stopover point has supplies of food, fodder, fuel, a little in the way of weaponry and some 20-30 bandits. They often have booby-traps like poisoned food in case they are raided by Rovers.
The northern camps have a mix of wooden huts, tents, and fenced meadows for horses. The troops here have been very successful in their tactic of attacking the Rovers' horses, reducing the mobility of the nomads and making it hard for them to travel the Barrens. As a result of this and determined head-hunting, many of the Rovers here have been forced east to the forest or north into the wastes. Each Rover head brings a gold coin for the bandit bringing it back.