Grotnek Urtekknis

Grotnek is a half-ore fighter/thief mercenary from the Wild Coast recruited by Jamir during a rare jaunt to the River Quarter . The skulking half-orc was beating the brains out of a few hapless sailors at the River Rat (location R7). Jamir used a charm person spell to quiet the half-orc down, paid out plenty of gold to keep the matter from coming to the attention of the City Watch, and got himself a really tough friend.

Grotnek is 6'10" . more human than orcish in appearance, with thick black wavy hair and brown eyes. He weighs a remarkable 352 lbs. with barely an ounce of fat on him. He is 23 years old, but in human terms appears in his mid-30s. He is as repulsive as he is evil; his personal habits are frightful. The half-orc chews tobacco and spits great plugs of the stuff, hacking up phlegm to mix with the filthy brown juice. His clothing is sweat-stained and malodorous, and dark bloodstains bespattering it speak graphically of this vile wretch's love of torture and murder.

Grotnek stays in the subterranean lair of the cult almost all the time, coming forth with Jamir and sometimes with Andrade Mirrius (see Chapter 7) if there is serious work to be done. Pitifully, he tries to learn card-sharking from Jamir and bookkeeping from Garyne, but is unable to master either skill and sometimes has temper tantrums in which he smashes anything in reach. Only Jamir (because of his charm spell) is safe from being injured during one of these violent outbursts. However, the other priests have learned to put up with Grotnek's temper because of his value as cannon fodder (you can't get cannon fodder much stronger than this), as a bodyguard and sentry against intrusions (the half-orc needs only 4 hours of sleep per day because of his strength and stamina), and the fact that one backstab from this evil brute could slice many adventurers in half.

AC - 2 (field plate + 1 and Dex 17 MV 12; F8/T8; hp 76; THAC0 11/9; #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d10 +5 (two-handed sword +2 Str 18(58), Dex 17, Con 18, Int 5, Wis 6, Cha 7; SA quadruple damage on backstab; AL NE.

Thieving skills: PP 50, OL 55, FT 55, MS 70, HS 50, DN 30, CW 90, RL 15.

Magical items: field plate + 1, two handed sword + 2, potion of extra healing, necklace of missiles (one 7HD, one SHD missile remaining).


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