H10: Villa of Fioranna Aielestriel

Fioranna, elven envoy for the state of Nyrond, is detailed in Ch1 FFF. Her house is simpler than most in the High Quarter.

All of the rooms open onto the outside, and she has surrounded herself with plants, flowers, and gardens. A fountain, with streams and cascades splashing through several pools, surrounds the grounds.

The most interesting feature of the villa is a secret entrance connecting to the city sewer system.

H10: Fioranna Aielestriel’s Villa. The former ambassador from Nyrond, Fioranna Aielestriel [NG ef W13; hp 29; Dex 18, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 18; many magical items], asked to remain in Greyhawk in 584 cy when she was replaced by Sir Ranald Immanen [LG hm F9; hp ‘77; Str 17, Con 17, Int 15, Cha 15], who now lives at Embassy Circle (H4). She retired to her home near the Grand Citadel, rarely going out except to the High Market or the Star of Celene (G6). Now 721 years old (a great personal secret), this gray elf has stunning, youthful looks (kept that way by magic) and dresses to make a Greyhawk noble lock poverty stricken, passing herself off as a minor wizard.

DM's Notes: Fioranna uses magic to leave the city undetected, still carrying out her original mission as an agent of the Iron League. All of the 14 years she has lived in this city, she has gathered intelligence and arranged for the rapid shipment of goods to Irongate and Nyrond. She hates the United Kingdom of Ahlissa, as her father was slain by Great Kingdom " soldiers in the early 570s, and she works against their ambassadors. Nyrond’s recent peacemaking with Ahlissa astounds and angers her. She meets with Sir Immanen on occasion, but reveals nothing. The Directing Oligarchy does not suspect her of being anything other than a “retired” elf with time on her hands; her actual age and goals are unknown by them. Her superiors were slain during the Greyhawk Wars, but she now reports to a new agent in Rel Mord.


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