H12: Watchhouse/Courts of Justice/Gaol

This long structure actually serves as three different official offices. The section closest to the Processional is the official Watchhouse of the Nightwatchmen in the High and Garden Quarters. See Ch2 FFF for more details about the Nightwatchmen.

The central section of the building holds the Courts of Justice for the Free City. Here one of several magistrates tries the minor cases, while a high noble or even the Lord Mayor hears cases of major crime.

The types of crimes and penalties typical in Greyhawk are detailed in Ch2 FFF.

The third section of the building, farthest from the road and most run-down, is the city gaol (Jail). In here are held those prisoners who have not yet faced trial, or whose crime (disorderly drunkenness with no harm done, for example) is not sufficient to warrant a sentence to a workhouse. The gaol is staffed by three standard patrols of the city watch. It contains a large holding cell for most prisoners, and a dozen or so smaller cells for unruly or dangerous individuals.

H12: Nightwatchmen’s Guildstation, Courts of Justice, and City Gaol. Three completely dissimilar buildings are joined together here. The one nearest the Processional is for the Nightwatchmen in the “Noble Quarter.” The central building holds the Coutts of Justice, where magistrates try minor cases while a noble or the Lord Mayor hears major trials. The City Gaol has one large holding cell, with a few individual cells for dangerous or unruly prisoners. Sentences not involving a term in a work house are administered here with a short stay in a cell (after fines have been paid).

DM's Notes: Escape from the gaol is possible, but it will draw an automatic and long prison sentence and high fines. Smart prisoners serve their time and leave, or else bribe their way home. Very unusual prisoners might be found here for a one-night stay, leading to future adventures.


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