H13: Wizards' Guildhall

This great pyramid is the headquarters of what could be the city's most powerful guild. Fortunately for everyone else, the wizards are usually too busy wilh their own affairs to meddle too much in the politics of the city.

The guild and the porters who tend it are detailed in Ch3 FFF.

HI13: Wizards’ Guildhall. This pyramid-shaped building is home to the mighty Guild of Wizardry, established by Zagig Yragerne in 393 Cy. Membership is 100 gp per year, open to wizards of any race and alignment, though spellcasters determined to be a danger to the city or guild are refused admission. A variety of new spells, a 10% discount on training costs, a nearly complete selection of spell components, and a chance to buy scrolls, potions, and other very minor magical items are offered to members. Guildmembers (while not on adventures) can charge for the spells they cast, but must pay 10% back to the guild. Customized magical items can be made for a price (potions being most common).

DM's Notes: The Master of the Guild of Wizardry is Kieren Jalucian [NG hm W18; hp 42; Str 17, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 17: many magical items], also the Principal of the Greyhawk University of Magical Arts. Tall, heavy-set, and handsome, blond Kieren once enjoyed life but has pulled back from his many interests. It is rumored that he asked Jallarzi Sallavarian (see H16) several times to marry him, but for some reason, she has refused. Kieren looks less lively than he once did, and he seems distracted and unhappy at his work. He is businesslike but not passionate about serving on the Directing Oligarchy.

The Guildhall is served and guarded by its Porters, who are trustworthy dwarves led by Head Porter Dunar Khorshkan [LN df F7; hp 55; Ser 18/01, Con 17, Wis 15; throwing axe +3, ring of protection a eAr Dunar’s father retired after being injured in an alchemical explosion, and the bearded Dunar took his place with enthusiasm and pride. Guild wizards have found Dunar to be quite strict and very no-nonsense. Many think of her as a male, but she is used to this sort of nonsense from humans.

The Guild Library is said to hold the largest collection of magical and magic-related tomes on Oerik, and probably on the whole Oerth. The books and notes of Zagig Yragerne are kept here, locked away. Spells may be copied here, but for a considerable and arbitrary price (100-1,000 gp per spell level, depending on a guildmember’s status in the guild). The librarian is a peaceable but humorless and ~ monastic drow elf named Jawal Severnain [LN em F2/W12; hp 29; Dex 16, Int 18; many magical items | who keeps the library semi-dark, forcing researchers to use small magical lights (no flame!) to find things. Jawal is over 400 years old and has spent the last 170 years here, since he was appointed to his task by Zagig Yragerne himself in the last stages of the Archmage’s madness. The appointment turned out well, to everyone's relief. Rumors claim that the Guild Library is secretly guarded by invisible “domesticated” beholders, but older wizards laugh when they hear this. On the other hand, the Guild of Thieves quietly recommends that its members never, ever, steal anything from this place or harm any book or paper in it. Thieves who claim they are going to do just that never come back.

Anyone wishing to sell or buy magical items or spell components must see the Mage of Exchange, Pateris the Bard [CN ¥em W14 (diviner hp 28; Int 17, Wis 17; many magical items]. Pateris has a biting wit and is good at making up short songs and poems on the spot, so he’s called “the Bard” by his fellows. Now 45, he replaced Kondradis Bubka at this post when the latter disappeared a few years ago. It had been discovered that Bubka was purchasing the body parts of murdered elves from criminals in the city; a nasty rumor circulates that Bubka’s own body parts were carefully separated and used as spell components by persons unknown (doubtless elves). Pateris has a variety of spells, powers, and devices with which he can identify magical or legendary items, and is one of the foremost diviners in the region. He is well respected and is building a good reputation.

The Alchemist Major of the Guild, Heironymous Tigana [NE hm W123; hp 27; Str. 5, Dex 17, Con 5, Int 17, Cha 4; many magical items], is 80 years old but seems a bit younger. Spectacularly ugly, Tigana is under 5 feet tall and has vaguely gnomelike features, much distorted. He is a nasty and irritable fellow who smells of vile chemicals and dead things; his laboratory and offices in the lower levels of the Guildhall are undisturbed by arrangement. He is a past master of alchemy with a fantastic memory. His specialty is in making potions of longevity, which he has used on himself. (His magically altered age is now 46, but he disguises himself to look older. The potions did not raise his characteristics, however, and they reduced his Constitution.)

Tigana was mixed up with the previous Mage of Exchange, Bubka, in a gruesome trade arrangement involving elf body parts; Bubka was going to confess, but Tigana murdered him, then covered up his own involvement and escaped retribution, Tigana ts an alcoholic; he is becoming very paranoid and evil over time. He is considering making contact with a dark cult, preferably that of Nerull, to see what they might have to offer for his skills.

The Guild of Wizardry also supplies and manages the teaching staff of the University of Magical Arts. Details on this are found in the description of area C6. A secret but sometimes-used tunnel leads to the Guildhall from the Redoubt (GC6).


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