H1: The Mansion of Count Reichart Petrides

This exotic estate was once the summer home of Zagig himself. It has been well maintained, and now houses the honored ambassador from the Duchy of Umst, Count Reichart Petrides and his objectives are detailed in Ch1 FFF.

The onion-domed towers of the sprawling house, with their wide bases and high, narrow windows, are unique among the buildings of the Free City. The mansion is too large for its current residents-the count shares the house with his courtesan, a few servants, and the two city watchmen assigned to protect him.

The most unique features of the mansion include the round ballroom in the widest of the towers. A wide arch conntects it to the smaller tower adjoining it, wherein sits a raised orchestra platform. Also, the count was once a renowned hunter, and three of the smaller rooms at the rear of the mansion have been given over to a display of creatures he has slain, skillfully stuffed. Each room has a large centerpiece-a cave bear, a griffon, and a troll, respectively-as well as numerous other creatures such as a wolf, a giant frog, a carrion crawler, an axe beak, and a basilisk.

H1: Embassy of the Duchy of Urnst. This unique building with its many onion-domed towers was once the summer home of Zagig Yragerne. It now serves as the permanent residence of the ambassador from Urst, who has for years been Count Reichart Petrides [LN hm F7; hp 40; Str 18/17, Dex 15, Int 15; many magical items]. The count is 58 years old, tall, and strong but is getting overweight. He has an old wound on his left arm from an assassin of Juz, which he keeps concealed.

DM's Notes: Count Petrides is angry with the Oligarchy and Lord Mayor of Greyhawk for failing to help the duchy fund naval patrols on the Nyr Dyyv, while Greyhawk secretly sent money to Furyondy for this purpose. He is not as helpful to the city as he once was, and on some issues he has locked horns with the Oligarchs (particularly in defining the border with Urnst). The count is happy to chat with visitors from the duchy and might help them out, especially if it would mean tweaking the noses of the Oligarchy or Greyhawk in general. He won't take part in acts of war, however. He hates Rhennee and humanoids.


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