H14: Lord Mayor's Palace

The grand mansion of the Free City's Lord Mayor is perhaps not palatial, but it is one of the finest residences in the city. It is reserved for whoever holds the title of Lord Mayor, and of course his family. This has been Nerof Gasgal for many years now.

Details about Nerof Gasgol can be found in Ch1 FFF and also on page 35 of the GREYHAWK Adventures hard cover tome.

The mansion itself is constructed m style and quality fitting for the city leader, avoiding the excesses that have led to the premature decay of the Royal Opera House.

The outer walls are a tasteful combination of dark wooden planking and colorful fieldstone. The porch, and many hallway floors within, are made of marble. In the ballroom this marble floor is laid in a black-and-white checkerboard pattern.

The mansion includes a small, but very elegant recital studio. It holds an audience of about 35, with a stage large enough to seat a half-dozen musicians and their instruments.

The Lord Mayor's office is enclosed in the tower at the rear of the building. A guard always stands at the single door, whether or not it is occupied. The first floor is a reception and conference area, while the second is Nerof's workroom, containing drawing tables, a large desk, and his personal library of titles relating to the history of Greyhawk. The third floor of the tower is a private study, with several comfortable chairs and a large fireplace. It is here that Nerof conducts the most secret affairs of the city.

It is also from this top floor that a secret door leads into a stairwell. That stairway spirals down into the ground, connecting to a tunnel leading to the secret fortress below the Redoubt. The other users of the fortress's escape system do not know of the Lord Mayor's tunnel.

To the rear of the mansion is a private stable, containing the Lord Mayor's two official coaches, as well as a score of splendid horses. A large formal garden decorates the surprisingly spacious estate behind the house.

The mansion is staffed with 20 servants, including an excellent chef and kitchen staff. The food served Nerof and his guests is the equal of the best to be had in the Free City. An elite patrol of the City Watch is permanently stationed here as well.

H14: Lord Mayor's Palace (City Hall), One of the finest mansions in the city, the “Palace” is less grand than its name implies. Many people refer to it as City Hall, as the place handles the same functions as a city hall would elsewhere. It ts tasteful and restrained, with its own f stable in back as well as a small auditorium, a ballroom, various offices for city government & workers, guard rooms for an elite patrol of the City Watch, and a superb kitchen (plus a marvelous garden behind the house). The furnishings are the best around, contributed by the best craftsmen in the city’s many guilds.

DM's Notes: Behind the mansion is a three-story tower. The first floor holds-a reception room and small conference area, the second has the offices for the Lord Mayor, and the top floor has a private study from which the Lord Mayor, 51-year-old Netof Gasgal [LN hm T12; hp 49; Dex 17, Wis 18, Cha 16; many magical items] conducts his most secret business. A secret door on the top floor leads to a spiral staircase that descends below ground to a tunnel leading to the lowest levels below the Redoubt (GC6). No one in the Grand Citadel knows of this tunnel. Nerof Gasgal is further detailed under the heading, “The Government of Greyhawk,” in the section, “The Directing Oligarchy.”

The Palace has numerous magical defenses, but few of them are used anymore. Many were put in place by Zagig Yragerne, and no one is eager to test them, even in an emergency. Possibly, the Palace has rooms and powers completely unknown at present.


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