H15: Org Nenshen's House

This restrained little home is the residence of Greyhawk 's Master Thief, guildmaster of the Thieves' Guild. Org goes to great lengths to put on an air of respectability, however, so none of the accoutrements of his office are found here.

Org is detailed in Ch5 FFF.

The house is decorated like a typical noble mansion, perhaps with a slight overemphasis on gaudy color rather than tasteful style. Gaudy or not. Org maintains displays of art objects worth a total of perhaps 60,000 gp. The prize of his collection is a priceless ivory statuette of a dancer, decorated with real diamonds and worth perhaps 15,000 gp alone.

But the house is well guarded by the two skilled fighters Org has as bodyguards and by the pair of thieves that he keeps hidden in case of a truly life threatening emergency. They only emerge to save their master or to slay departing intruders.

Two Fighters: AC 0; MV 9; F14; hp 80; THAC0 7; #AT 2; Dmg 1d10 +9 (two-handed swords + 3 and Str 18/00)

Two Thieves: AC 2 (leather armor + 2 and Dex 18 MV 12; T11; hp 48; THAC0 15; #AT l; Dmg 1d8 +2 (long swords +2)

H15: Org Nenshen’s House. Greyhawk’s Guildmaster of Thieves, Org Nenshen [LN hm T18; hp 58; Dex 18, Int 16, Cha 16; many magical items] is 52 years old and has lost none of his grace and good looks. He is perhaps the most active of all members of the Directing Oligarchy, pushing himself to ever-greater achievements. His activities following the Greyhawk Wars revolved around rooting out several evil cults in the city, and he made some very bad enemies during this time. Org thinks it is only a matter of time before a cultist gets revenge on him, so he feels he cannot rest in his fight against them. His home is so plain and low-key that it is almost out of character for High Quarter; it does have a respectable air, with many art objects inside of great value. Org has a young, live-in girlfriend who seems bright and reliable but has no particular skills; she has a nasty streak, but Org likes that in her.

DM's Notes: Org’s girlfriend is more than she seems. Zartis Deen [IN doppleganger-f; hp 29; Int 19] is a doppleganger with cusps of mind shielding (worn over her eyes and thus not easily detectable). She is happy with her life at present and has no urge to kill anyone to take a new identity. She can imitate most skills by reading other people’s minds, and has an uncanny knack for anticipating what someone is going to do or say. She also likes Org and finds him exciting compared to most humans she’s known.


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