H16: Jallarzi Sallavarian's House

The home of this great wizard, proud member of the Circle of Eight, is plainly appointed and contains little of value.

A pair of servants tend to the mage's housekeeping and eating needs. She maintains a pleasant parlor and sitting room where she meets with her guests. Jallarzi also has a luxurious personal suite and several for guests. The rest of her large house is unfurnished.

Jallarzi Sallavarian is detailed under "The Circle of Eight," Ch3 FFF.

H16: Jallarzi Sallavarian’s Tower. This huge tower and the grounds around it belong to the only female member of the famed Circle of Eight, 42-year-old Jallarzi Sallavarian [NG hf W17; hp 41; Dex 18, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 17; bracers of fire resistance and defense AC 2, ring of protection +4, dagger of speed +4, many magical wands]. She is related to the Duke of Urnst.

Following a destructive attack by a powerful demon lord in 585 cy, her tower was renovated and Jallarzi had it reinforced to be more resistant to invasion. Jallarzi lives alone here except for her sole henchperson, Marial [CG hf W15; hp 32; girdle of ptotection +2, shoes of silence, several magical rings], and numerous nonliving magical guardians. Now and then she sees her long-time paramour Kieren Jalucian (see H13), but since her kidnapping by the demon lord Tuerny the Merciless she has been withdrawn, paranoid, and cheerless. Something is obyiously bothering her, but she won't discuss it with anyone. Marial has a constant stream of male admirers, but none are allowed in the tower.

DM's Notes: The tower's former appearance was detailed in the Return of the Eight adventure; the exterior is the same, but the inside has been altered somewhat. Jallarzi is having nightmares about her captivity by Tuerny, and certain memories of events and places she saw are surfacing despite being magically suppressed by the fiend. If her nightmares are correctly interpreted, they will reveal something of Tuerny’s lair and long-range plans.


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