H17: Glodreddi Bakkanin's House

The home of the city's Inspector of Taxes is a small fortress, for Glodreddi is not a popular man. He maintains 12 doughty dwarves as a personal bodyguard, six of whom accompany him whenever he goes out.

Dwarf Guards: AC 1 ; MV 6; F5; hp 44; THAC0 16; #AT 1; Dmg 1d8 +4 (battle axes + 1 and Str 18/25)

His home is a solid stone structure, with heavy iron-banded doors. Although Glodreddi keeps much of his wealth in the City Vault at the Citadel, he generally has about 5,000 gp value in gold, platinum, and gems kept in his private vault. The vault is protected by a poison needle trap; even though it has killed thieves before. The Inspector of Taxes somehow avoids prosecution for violating the city's poison control law.

H17: Glodreddi Bakkanin’s House. The Inspector of Taxes for the Greyhawk Revenue Service is a much-hated but much-feared dwarf, the ancient Glodreddi Bakkanin [LE dm T10; hp 44; Dex 18, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 5; many magical items]. Glodreddi is grossly corrupt, receiving bribes and kickbacks from many people in the city on a regular basis. He is also a genius at finance, and he has created many clever schemes that have filled Greyhawk’s coffers and pulled the city through bad times. The others serving with him on the Directing Oligarchy regard him as an absolutely necessary evil. He has a staff of 120, 75% of whom are dwarves of brutally lawful nature who are happy to break down doors to get overdue taxes.

DM’s Notes: Glodreddi’s house is a small fortress, with a dozen powerful dwarf bodyguards and many defensive traps. He is rich beyond counting, but given his power in the government and Guild of Thieves, and his infinitely creative sense of vengeance, no one cares to break into his place to see what he’s hiding. (Most of his wealth is in the Vault at the Grand Citadel, anyway.) The grounds around his home are poorly kept, and bare spots of dirt and rock are everywhere; not a soul says a word about it. It is believed that Glodreddi has made use of life-prolonging devices, but what these are is unknown. His private life is unknown and likely to stay that way, but it is possible he worships an evil dwarven god (Abbathor).


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