H2a: Henway Family Manor

Tills grand edifice of wide windows and high, domed ceilings is the central meeting place and living apartments of the knights of this heroic and virtuous order. They are fully detailed in Ch7 FFF.

The apartments here are all in the cellar of the building. The first floor is a large, airy room open on all sides to wide arches. The stately columns ringing the outside of the building are one of the architectural marvels of the Free City.

H2a: Henway Family Manor. This building was formerly used by the Knights of Holy Shielding during their forced exile from their homes in the Shield Lands. During the Great Northern Crusade of 586 CY, nearly all of the Knights moved out of Greyhawk to travel to Furyondy, where they mounted their successful attack to retake Critwall and Scragholme Isle. Lord Henway purchased their manor, which the Knights happily sold to gain funds for their crusade, and he moved himself and his servants into this grand and beautiful edifice. The building, renown for its magnificent columns, is now turning into a dusty and messy storage center for zoo-animal food and a primitive veterinary clinic. All of Greyhawk’s upper class are appalled, but they can do nothing about it.

DM's Notes: Thieves might want to look around this manor to see what old Lord Henway has left lying about. Unfortunately, the manor has many wild and dangerous animals within it, locked in cages and rooms while being treated for minor injuries and illnesses. Setting these animals free by accident ts tragically easy, as Lord Henway is growing careless.


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