H2B: Grey Manor

At some point in the late 580s, this magnificent tree-encircled estate was put under the protectorship of Lord Henway. Grey Manor was formerly owned by an eccentric wizard named Mizaab Zalen, who gained fame in 521 Cy for his help in trapping the Falcon (the first such incident; she later escaped and was brought to justice in S81 Cy , an evil spellcasting cleric who attempted to conquer Greyhawk. After Mizaab dropped out of sight almost 20 years ago, the estate passed to a relative, a retired merchant named Sturtevant. Sturtevant has not been seen in the city for five years, and legal papers he had filed with the city allowed his estate to fall under the care of Lord Henway, an old friend of the merchant. Grey Manor has been sealed and has a lone private guard, but it is generally believed to contain considerable wealth. The manor and stables are surrounded by a low wall. Thieves have been discouraged from entering the manor, reporting that the trees and plants around the manor move and fight as if intelligent.

DM's Notes: Grey Manor was detailed in WGA3 Flames of the Falcon, Chapter 2. An extensive labyrinth of wide tunnels from the cellar here leads deep into North Hills Park, to a secret exit near the banks of the Selintan. By a miracle, the labyrinth did not intersect with the northern tunnel from the Redoubt (GC6). Mizaab Zalen and Sturtevant were both false identities adopted by a Greyhawk dragon who is currently absent from the city. When he returns, he will have adopted a new identity, likely that of a minor human spellcaster [LN very old Greyhawk dragon — m; hp 145; Int 20; many magical items]. The dragon used the labyrinth to leave the city to feed on distant wildlife. He is allied with the city’s clerics of St. Cuthbert, who do not suspect his true identity.

From Adventure Begins


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