H4: Embassy Circle

H4: Embassy Circle. This new complex of buildings was completed in 584 Cy and boasts of impressive security features, though of course, the nature of these is never openly discussed. Numerous foreign ambassadors are housed here, representing states and free cities from across the Flanaess. Many ambassadors spend their leisure time at the Wheel of Gold, on the hill above their residence, where they can eat for free. It is thought that this arrangement works well for the Lord Mayor, as he can keep tabs on the ambassadors through the hirelings and thieves who work at.the casino. Elite Watch and Nightwatchmen sentries patrol this walled area night and day.

Formerly Aaron Strachan's Mansion

This rambling mansion is the home of the readily recognizable ambassador of Furyondy, Aaron Strachan. Most residents of the High Quarter know the lecherous old goat quite well, but he is universally recognized as harmless. He is also a great patron of the arts, generous in the extreme, to the extent that even his snoring in the grand box dunng a dull perlormance is quietly overlooked. Strachan is detailed in Ch 1 FFF.

His mansion is well maintained. The grounds are tended by a pair of gardeners; a dozen servants, four nurses, and usually a few young doxies all share the house with him. As with Count Petrides, the city has assigned a permanent detail of two watchmen to protect him.

This watch detail is considered delightful duty, incidentally. Aaron generally retires immediately after dinner, bidding his guards and doxies to enJoy the hospitality of his house.

DM's Notes: Given the intensely political character of this area (and the City of Greyhawk itself), espionage and diplomatic errands are strongly supported here. Characters should be careful about the kinds of persons whom they befriend.


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