H5: The Lords' Tomb

This grand edifice is the burial place reserved for city nobles and those merchants and others wealthy enough to afford 1,000 gp or more for a private crypt. For those who can pay, the service must be worth it. At least, as the guards joke among themselves, "Ain't been no complaints!"

A private staff of guards is hired to patrol the aboveground mausoleum and its entry chamber. These guards consist of fighters. a thief, and a mage. Though the exact individuals rotate, a qualified staff is on hand at all times.

Five Fighters: AC 3; MV 9; F7; hp 44; THAC0 14; #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d8

Thief: AC 6; MV 12; T9; hp 31; THAC0 16; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 +3 (short sword +3 SA quadruple damage with backstab

Mage: AC 10: MV 12; M6; hp 18; THAC0 19: Dmg 1d4: Spells: 4 1st. 2 2nd, and 2 3rd

The area below the Lords' Tomb is detailed m Chapter 13.

H5: Lords’ Tomb, Famous city rulers, nobles, and many wealthy individuals are buried in a vast series of crypts below this domed mausoleum. Private guards work here, backed by spellcasters. A consortium of nobles, some with spellcasting abilities, owns the Lords’ Tomb and manages its services, with a burial costing a minimum of 1,000 gp. Over a half-dozen vault rooms are said to operate here, with considerable treasure buried with the bodies, but dark tales have been told by former guards here. Undead of considerable power are said to walk the buried halls, acting as the true guards of this site. The Thieves’ Guild does not recommend any of its membets try their luck here.

DM's Notes: The crypts of the Lords’ Tombs do not connect with any other underground network. They are indeed patrolled by powerful undead. Once every few decades, an undead creature ventures out at night on personal business in the city (as determined by the DM). None of the guards make the slightest attempt to stop it, as they are undet orders to leave the undead alone, which they are more than happy to do.


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