H6: Patricians' Club

This is the finest of all the Free City's fine clubs. Guests are expected to dress well at all times, with silk or satin evening wear expected after dinner. The club opens late in the afternoon and does not close until very near the dawn.

A "members only" establishment, the club admits most anyone who is properly dressed and groomed and pays the membership fee of 20 gp per annum. Known reprobates, low-class thieves, and the like are barred from entrance or quickly removed. Drunkenness is tolerated only as long as the drunk spends lots of money and doesn't offend anyone important.

The guests on any evening include glamorous courtesans, young knights, the elite of the city's actors and musicians, officers and nobles, and grand dames. An occasional elf or halfling spruces up for a visit to the club, but dwarves are very rare.

Security at the club is maintained by Ralston Tour, an 11th-level fighter. He has elsewhere in the club six 5th-level fighters -- three mena and three women -- who assist him in the event of a major emergency. So far Ralston has never met a problem he couldn't handle, usually with discretion. He is always in the gaming rooms during the club's hours of operation.

Ralston Tour: AC 3 (ring of protection +3 and Dex 17 MV 12; F11; hp 84; THACO 10: #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d8 +5 (sword cane [long sword + 3J and Str 17 SD vial containing dust of sneezing

Bouncers: AC 6; MV 12; FS; hp 31; THACO 16; Dmg ld6 (short swords SD bucklers and nets

The Patricians Club offers several large gaming rooms, offering all manner of dice and card games. The cellar has been made into a fine restaurant. the city's best and most expensive. A smaller restaurant, as well as an ample bar room, shares the first and second floors with gambling activities. The third Ooor is a huge, marbled hall, available for rental (250 gp, plus catering musician costs, etc.). It has been the scene of many of the city's grandest weddings and balls.

Much gambling occurs between guests of the club, on virtually any game a pair of characters agree upon. In games pitting a character against the house. the house shades the odds 1% in its favor.

H6: Patricians’ Club. The finest of Greyhawk’s fine clubs is here, with formal dress expected at all times. It is open from near dusk to near dawn, admitting members only (20 gp per year membership, good reputation and background required), Security here is maintained by very powerful warriors with magical devices, privately hired by the club’s owners, another consortium of local noble families. This three-story building of grand style has a superb restaurant in the basement, a bar and gambling rooms on the first and second floors, and a hall on the top floor that can be rented for weddings, balls, and parties. A former Greyhawk Militia officer named Ralston Tour is the owner of the club; he was once the security manager. Ralston Tour [N hm F11; hp 84; Str 17; long sword +3, many potions] is 44 yeats old and has not gone adventuring in a long time.

DM's Notes: Ralston Tour found a small cairn in the hills to the north of the city during his militia days. He took out a few items, including a ring he keeps in a locked chest in his room. Unknown to Tour, the ring functions as a cubic gate and is being sought by an undead creature once buried in the cairn but disinterred by Tour years ago.


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