H7: Estate of Lord Silverfox

This rambling manor house might be considered representative of the estates of the city nobles. Lord Silverfox earned his title by inheritance, the fifth such lord in his family line. The original lord was crowned by the legendary Zagig, rewarded for the service of establishing new trading routes through the Gnarley Forest.

Prospective heirs to the line still, according to family tradition, spend their early adult years exploring unknown territory. They seek first to discover new markets for Greyhawk's goods-as well as new goods for her markets-but also gain a seasoning and maturity that can only come from years of self-sufficiency amid challenges and dangers. No citybred milksops are the Lords of Silverfox!

The large house contains the apartments of the lord and his lady, together with their five children. Also living here are eight adult relatives and their seven children. All family members are entitled to noble status in the city, though only the Lord and his Lady actually carry titles.

The family holds a clan treasure in gems, jewels, and precious metals. It is buried in an underground vault beneath the master bedroom, with an entrance hidden beneath the bed. An investigation of the large cellar will eventually reveal this to be the only area beneath the house that has apparently not been excavated.

The vault is protected first by a sleep gas trap, and finally by a poison needle trap that is activated by a failed attempt to pick the lock. The vault contains 50,000 gp in gems and jewelry, 20,000 gp in gold bars, and 15,000 gp in platinum bars.

The Silverfox clan is tended by two dozen servants. The house includes a stable and a kennel for the fine war hounds bred by the family for generations. There are 1d12 + 12 of these hounds here at all times. They are offered for sale, at 100 gp apiece, to wealthy fanciers of powerful dogs. They are indeed great aids to adventurers. learning commands quickly and being very loyal to a single master.

Silverhounds: AC 5; MV 18; HD 3; hp 18; THAC0 17; IAT l; Dmg 1d8

H7: Lord Silverfox’s Manor. This rambling home was obviously once a smaller dwelling to which several additional wings were added. The original Lord Silverfox was given his title by Zagig Yragerne for helping establish trade routes through the Gnarley Forest, most of which still exist. The family is known to have a great hoard of wealth, to which more is added every year from their returns on the exploration and mercantile expeditions they finance. Every Silverfox child is expected to go out into the world and explore, looking for new sources of wealth in order to gain a share of the inheritance of this estate; as a result, adventurers are common in their ranks, though casualties in the family are also high. The aged Lady Silverfox [IN hf T4; hp 7; magical potions] was widowed recently; she now handles the breeding and sale of the family’s “silverhounds,” a breed of powerful war dog, and manages family finances.

DM's Notes: Lady Silverfox lost an adventuring daughter years ago in Castle Greyhawk. She would like the remains of her daughter brought out and properly buried. However, no one is sure that Lady Silverfox’s daughter is really dead, as divination spells are inconclusive on this point. Characters might wish to do some detective work to find the missing heiress.


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