H8: Embassy of Furyondy

H8: Embassy of Furyondy, Most people believe that 49-year-old Elskan Saramade [LG hm W17; hp 34; Dex 15, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 15; many magical items] was sent to Greyhawk in 584 Cy to replace the previous ambassador, an amusing old goat named Aaron Strachan, who apparently returned to Furyondy, In truth, Saramade was masquerading as Strachan, disguising the close relationship that Greyhawk and Furyondy kept hidden for years, involving payments made by the former to the latter to support antipiracy patrols on the Nyr Dyv. Elskan Saramade is a serious diplomat, not as much fun as his predecessor but far more respected. (No one pays attention to his circle of courtesans.) The truth about Greyhawk's long support of Furyondy has leaked out but is still not commonly known.

The embassy is rambling but well kept, with a large staff and many visitors. Knights of Holy Shielding and Knights of the Hart are welcome here, though some friction remains between the two groups. Representatives from the Free City of Dyvers might be found here, overseeing trade agreements, defense issues, and so forth with the Directing Oligarchy.

From Adventure Begins

DM's Notes: Wild rumors are spreading again that Furyondy is going to annex the Free City of Dyvers, though the king of Furyondy denies this, Several persons in the Knights of the Hart are spreading these rumors to create a trade panic and weaken Dyvers’ position and alliances,


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