Haarkon Diardra The Taskmaster

Haarkon is 35 years old, 5'10" tall, and 150 lbs. He has deeply tanned skin, black close-cropped hair and brown eyes. Formerly a Master of the Ceshra Thieves' Guild in the Sultanate of Zeif, Haarkon was forced to flee his native land when assassins employed by Sultan Murad were sent to eliminate senior guildmembers following the theft of the Crown Jewels (which, incidentally, have never been recovered). Upon arriving in the Free City some three years back, Haarkon chose not to seek membership in the Thieves' Guild because of the group's high profile and political connections, and instead fell in with Gaspar and the Beggars' Union. His experience in and knowledge of thieving have put him in good stead with the union, and Haarkon now trains Gaspar's indentured beggars.

Haarkon is essentially a hard but good man, not reluctant to reward success and achievement. However, he will not tolerate failure or sloppy work by his charges, and constantly reminds them that they will never know when the skills he teaches them might save their lives. Haarkon was forced to sell many of his treasured possessions during his flight from Zeif and now retains only the items listed above. He spends much of his time at the Palace of Trash but does sometimes venture forth into the Foreign and Thieves' Quarters. Haarkon is a very cautious man, constantly aware that the Sultan's assassins will not give up until they return with his head.

AC 1 (leather armor +3, Dex 18 MV 9; T10; hp 37; THACO 16/14; #AT 1; Dmg 1d8 + 1 (long sword of wounding + 1 Str 13, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 14; SA triple damage from back stab; AL CG.

Thieving skills: PP 80, OL 70, FT 60, MS 75, HS 65, DN 30, CW 95, RL 25.

Magical items: leather armor + 3, Jong sword of wounding + 1. boots of striding and springing, eyes of minute seeing, and pouch of accessibility.


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