Half-Elves Ethnicity in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Half-Elves Blackmoorian half-elves are rare since they come only from the union of a Cumasti elf and a human. Half-elves often feel lost, not knowing where they fi t in. They wander the world, looking for a home where they can live in peace. Humans use the term “half-elf” to describe this race. Cumasti call them Ni’ssillin (“Lost Ones”) and Westryn call them Do’rioa (“Cursed Blood”). Personality: Half elves are a very accepting people. They do not judge individuals, even half-orcs, by their race. They realize that circumstances can sometimes create strange outcomes. Because of this, they tend to take their time when making decisions and are outwardly slow to warm up to others. Physical Description: A half elf has the same basic height and weight as her human parent but exhibits the fi ne features of her elven parent. She has light colored hair and skin, but not to the same extent as her Cumasti parent. Half-elves are built like humans, appearing in a similar array of body types. Their slightly slanted eyes are a feature unique to half-elves, and their eye colors range from blue to brown and always contain fl ecks of gold or silver. Their ears are slightly pointed, but their other features are soft and rounded. Alignment: Half-elves can be of any alignment, and are as diverse as humans. Religion: Half-elves worship any number of human and elven gods, though they rarely fi nd the desire to look to the heavens except in their most desperate hours. During these times, half-elves call out to any deity that listens. Languages: Half-elves speak both the Cumasti dialect of Elven and the Common tongue of man. They are gifted linguists and can learn any language with ease. Names: Half-elves may be named according to human or Cumasti traditions, though half-elves commonly have elven names. Male Names: Anvodrim, Bellow, Berurthane, Braddle, Calarg, Garodrarg, Glad, Glormak, Gramgel, Imanak, Imginarg, Imgudrune, Korodrand, Kuhisheth, Lorard, Urthim. Yest, Karn. Female Names: Bagolim, Bimber, Celadrog, Ceridrone, Glind, Gloshmorn, Harangrath, Ibonarg, Imgirkine, Ingak, Itrak, Lathith, Lireth, Lumikorn, Patrice, Robin, Shyla, Thashangrarg, Thomitrim, Thongrak, Ungarthorn, Vorin, Vosagrorn, Zovorn. Family Names: Artulvar, Asanthen, Coselë, Dirimë, Eäbin, Edath, Gladair, Ibar, Mairlis, Narth, Pyltari, Salë, Sethila, Shubail, Smemynë, Soavedin, Soavel, Teveld, Thobin, Usern. Adventurers: Because of their generally nomadic ways, half-elves are natural adventurers. They quest for their entire lives, looking for pieces of their lost past.


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