Half Orc Ethnicity in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Half Orc

Half-Orcs On the Blackmoor frontier’s far reaches, orcs raid human settlements in search of wealth and food. These raids have in turn generated offspring in the form of halforcs. Halforcs who do not exhibit clear and distinct human traits are often allowed to remain within the orc culture. Orcs slaughter those who are obviously part human or who fall out of favor. Some half-orcs manage to escape and spend the remainder of their lives hunted by both men and orcs, which forces many half-orcs to live away from civilization, in small bands or on their own. Often they seek some sort of belonging with others and adventure for the respect and acceptance that can come from the skilled use of a battle axe. Personality: Half-orcs have little patience with others, a trait that may be the result of years of abuse and rejection. They love to fi ght and greatly value what friendship they can fi nd. They enjoy good food and drink and are always open to reveling. They tend to overcompensate for the lack of positive attention they received over the course of their segregated, hunted lives. Physical Description: Half-orcs stand between 6 and 7 feet tall and weigh between 210 and 270 pounds. They have grayish skin tones and large skulls with protruding foreheads that highlight their orc heritage. Alignment: Half-orcs resent the lack of family and relationships in their pasts. They lean toward chaos since it relates to their primitive lifestyle and constant battle for survival. If they have been befriended, they tend to demonstrate the human tendency of expressing good and evil in even proportion. Relations: Every day is a fi ght for acceptance for a half-orc. Many races, including dwarves and their own orc kin, seek to slay them outright. This prejudice makes the struggle for acceptance a constant concern in the half-orc’s mind. Some spend time as servants in human households in order to prove that they are not dangerous. Others use their size and power to intimidate others into leaving them alone. Half-Orc Lands: Half-orcs are a nomadic people at best. They travel together for mutual protection and make no claim to a land of their own. They wander throughout Blackmoor, looking for some sense of safety.
Religion: Half-orcs worship whomever they please, be it a human, beastman, or orc deity. Good half-orcs worship human deities; evil half-orcs follow beastman or orc deities.
Language: Half-orcs speak Orc and Common. Names: Half-orcs choose names that show their personality. They frequently take Common adjectives as names to describe their perception of themselves within the cultures of other races. Half-orcs do not have family names unless they live out their lives within orc tribes. Male Names: Genteel, GoodFriend, Gronk, Humbra, Melgo, Niko, Skeeb, Unk. Female Names: Farl, Poltga, Quetra, Skafe, Sklag, Smolga, Wazgak. Adventurers: Half-orc adventurers seek wealth and friendship, and often value the latter far more than the former. A good friend is worth more than life to a half-orc. A half-orc goes to any length to protect a friend, including following her on a dangerous journey.


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