Social Class: Middle.

Power Center: Often—nonstandard (elders). Buildings: Council hall, temple (Yondalla), average lodging (4%), average food (9%), average trades (17%), average services (12%), average residences (56%).

Description: Halfling districts somehow never seem permanent, even when the structures are of wood and stone. Bright decorations change frequently, and the roads are full of ponies, riding dogs, and small carts at all times. Much space is devoted to greenery, both yards and vegetable gardens. Windows are large and unglazed. Many of the residences house multiple families with separate bedchambers around common rooms. As in gnome neighborhoods, most of the buildings are sized for halfl ings, making human visitors feel out of place and ungainly. The air is filled with the babble of voices, and often the scent of pipe smoke.

Plot Hook: A new criminal organization (perhaps the same one described in the guildhall district plot hook) has moved into the city. The group is led by a cabal of halfl ings who hide in plain sight—a fact unknown even to most of its own members, They live among others of their kind in the halfl ing neighborhood, appearing completely normal and cheerful. Identifying and tracing the criminal leaders would be extremely diffi cult, and the members of the halfl ing community would demand absolute proof of anyone’s guilt before surrendering one of their kind to human authorities.


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