Hall of Friendship

Any humanoid entering this stronghold space while the owner is also within the space becomes charmed by the stronghold’s owner (as if by the charm person spell; Will save DC 22 negates). This lasts as long as the charmed person remains within the stronghold space.

The hall of friendship’s effect can function on a maximum of 30 HD of creatures at any given time. If more potential targets exist than the room can affect, the owner may select potential targets one at a time until he reaches the limit (any target whose HD would put the total over 30 is not affected).

Many throne rooms or negotiation chambers include this wondrous architecture. Tread carefully, though, since the effect fades as soon as the target leaves the affected area. Those who realize that they have been charmed may not be happy about it.

Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, mass charm; Market Price: 60,000 gp.


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