
In early 584 CY, Cranzer marched to Hellstone and demanded the surrender of the mage known to live within the tower complex there. Cranzer offered good payment in return for the mage's services, but his bullying and arrogant manner cost him dearly. The mage appeared atop the central tower, invited the troops to enter by the opening metal gates, and as they marched up, he vanished. A split second later, the tower simply blew apart in a tremendous explosion, killing nearly seven hundred orcs and bandits, and nearly destroying Cranzer in the bargain. Where the mage vanished to is entirely unknown.

All that is left here now are chunks of blasted, blackened stonework and rock scattered over many square miles. The base of the tower is visible as a ring of stone which seethes, boils and radiates tremendous heat (radiant damage is 1d10 hp/ round within 10 yards). Certainly, magic of some kind still remains in the dungeons below the base, but its nature is unknown.


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