A heroic organization is usually devoted to a particular cause; examples include a special corps of veterans who serve their king in exile and an adventuring company that specializes in search-and-rescue missions. Some differ from adventurers guilds only in their size and selectiveness. Most heroic organizations are relatively small, especially those based in a particular city, and even the larger ones are more discriminating than most guilds. Skill or expertise alone rarely determines admittance: The most accomplished warrior in the city won’t be admitted if his beliefs and goals run counter to those of the organization. Philosophy and experience play a much more important role in determining member acceptance. Some organizations require proof of experience (in game terms, a minimum class level), representing especially high standards or difficult challenges, while others actively seek out a wide variety of members who can meet any conceivable task.

Examples: Specific adventuring companies, vigilante groups, the Wings of Freedom.

Associated Classes: Any.

Associated Skills: Craft (any relevant), Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (local), Profession (any relevant), Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Use Rope. Duties: Unlike adventurers guilds, heroic organizations require their members to come to the aid of other members in times of need. If such a call comes, and a member is within reasonable distance, he must make every effort to arrive and lend aid. In addition, all members must donate 20% of the value of all gold and magic items garnered from missions assigned or set up by the organization.

Favored Benefits: As a rule, most organizations will pay to have identify cast on magic items a number of times per month equal to the member’s level. Depending on circumstances (such as the availability of spellcasters), this number can vary slightly.

Sample Contact: Baldric the Blade (human fi ghter, level 2 lower than the PC’s). Baldric will accompany the character as a cohort on an important adventure. Once per year, but Baldric could choose (at the DM’s discretion) to assist on additional adventures if the price is right.


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