Herospace Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Notable Locations: Borden, Ge’neva

Notable Figures: The Rational Order of Magistrates


Crystal Sphere: Yes


Astral Haze: Yes


Read Up: SJA3 – The Crystal Spheres


Herospace is a peculiar Wildspace system with nine suns, each of which is orbited by a single planet. The suns, ranging from light green to pale white, are coded to an alignment, and any creatures that are too far removed from the alignment of that sun feel discomfort under its rays. Though most humanoids are unable to tolerate such planets for long, the rays have no effect on unaligned creatures.


Administrated by the council of the Magistrates, Herospace only allows ‘heroes’ to take up residents on its nine worlds, and each hero must live beneath the sun that matches their own alignment. What specifically qualifies a creature to be a hero is determined by the Council of Magistrates, but great deeds in the service of a kingdom or an ideal are generally a good sign. The fact that having already had adventures and great deeds is a prerequisite for residence within Herospace has led some to joke that it’s more a retirement home than anything, a place for the heroes of yesterday to relive their past glories and prevent powerful heroes from running all over the multiverse and solving the problems of the new generation.


The Nine Planets




Orbiting the white sun, Gondorin is an orderly world of mild summers and cool winters, symmetrical and seemingly perfect. Rigidity and adherence to law are supreme here.



A planet full of lawful neutral heroes who obey the law and largely don’t wish to be bothered. The heroes who inhabit this planet were probably the ones who sat in a corner drinking and brooding when the party got together in that tavern so many years ago.



A cold spherical earth planet of flat undifferentiated land, Darkseed is surrounded by an impenetrable forcefield that can only be bypassed by those with a blood-red crystal derived from the power of the blood-sun above it. Why anyone would want to land on a planet of nothing but tyrant lords, robber barons, and contract killers is another story.



Cumblerland is an idyllic planet of taverns, inns and amusement parks. It’s a great place to visit and plenty of people want to live there, but only heroes of the neutral good alignment are allowed permanent residence.



Ge’neva is the planet that orbits the primary of Greatspace, the central light blue sun. A planet aligned with the True Neutral, Ge’enva’s moon Borden is the HQ of the Rational Order of the Magistrates. It’s main claim to fame is the Ge’neva Convention, or Ge’nCon, held every year in the 8th month

Morgan’s World


A neutral evil world purportedly discovered by Morgan Darkdawn. Morgan’s World resembles a normal material plane world, but with everything from the wildlife to the geology is diminished and debased. Its main attraction is that its wild plants release a substance that, when mixed with the atmosphere, causes a euphoric state in which the intoxicated individual can live out whatever evil fantasy it wishes, which seems to prevent the inhabitants from enacting their worst vices on each other—at least most of the time.



Orbiting beneath the light of the purple sun, Woodhaven is a beautiful world of lush hills, forests, and mountains. Permitting only the chaotic good heroes and their families to reside here, Woodhaven is home to good elves, rangers, freedom fighters, and rebels.



The gray sun burns in the sky above the world of Asylum, home of the Chaotic Neutral heroes of Herospace. Asylum is a bizarre world of labyrinths and maze-like city streets. The lack of both laws and the truly evil make it easy for all sorts of wild schemes and ridiculous ventures to succeed on Asylum, but paradoxically it is ephemeral; nothing earned on Asylum can be removed from it, as it dissipates into mist if one tries to take it off-world. Really makes you think, huh?



The world of chaotic evil ‘heroes’, Chaostromme is a chaotic landscape bathed in green light. Its inhabitants spend their time facing a harsh wilderness full of monsters weaker than themselves, not for the sake of challenge or to test their might but for the general satisfaction of having killed and outlasted another creature. Those who don’t participate in these cullings tend to live alone and isolated, ‘happy’ in their cold indifference to anyone else. Truly, they don’t live in a society.


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