High Hadleigh and Hodnet

These two trade towns supplied goods to Calbut from central Tenh and in turn shipped platinum and the handful of gems found in Calbut's mines to the safety of the south down the Zumkend which is navigable as far as High Hadleigh. They fell swiftly in the wars and both are now significantly-sized garrisons with several hundred Stonefist men in each town. Tenha slaves are being used to wall the towns, build earthwork defenses, and generally fortify them in preparation for the eventual retreat from the main lands of Tenh and the securing of the north. Iuz's agents actually sabotage these fortifications covertly to delay any such thoughts of retreat and then blame the Tenhas. The Fists then execute a few Tenhas, sell others into slavery to Iuz's priests after beating them senseless to teach the others a lesson, and have as yet not detected Iuz's ruse.


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