High Thonians Ethnicity in Greyhawk | World Anvil

High Thonians

The High Thonians are members of the highest, most powerful human social caste within Blackmoor’s borders. While High Thonians tend to come from advantaged backgrounds, not all of them have the stomach for politics or fi ghting. Many use their family names and backgrounds to pursue science and other academic matters. Several teachers at the University of Blackmoor are High Thonians from important families. Personality: High Thonians are studious people and excellent entertainers. They spend their time learning and fi nding new and interesting ways to entertain themselves and their wealthy friends. Noble Thonians spend their money freely to impress others or to purchase necessary parts for their inventions. They are kind and gentle to others but are venomously possessive of their expansive libraries and eccentric inventions. Physical Description: High Thonians stand 5 to 6 feet tall and weigh from 135 to 265 pounds, with men noticeable taller and heavier than women. Their skin is fair; their hair tends to be blond or brown. To demonstrate their excellent grooming, most High Thonian men do not wear beards. High Thonians are long-lived by human standards, with life spans reaching well over 100 years. Some attribute this longevity to breeding, but others suspect a magical source. Alignment: High Thonians tend toward no specifi c alignment. They are open-minded but are also prone to greed and jealousy. All alignment variations are found among this group of nobleborn people. Relations: High Thonians are receptive to doing business with other races. They barter and trade for books and needed supplies for their inventions. High Thonian Lands: When the Valley of the Kings stood strong, the High Thonian nobles ruled much of presentday Blackmoor. The bloodline’s fall, as well as invasion and civil war, eroded much of what was once the unifi ed kingdom of Blackmoor. Many High Thonians are preparing to use their technology to reclaim some of the lands they believe have been stolen from them. Most High Thonians live in Blackmoor’s immediate vicinity
Religion: High Thonians do not worship any particular god. Many become clerics and priests of particular deities, but the average High Thonian puts his faith in his own creations.
Language: High Thonians speak Common as well as the royal dialect known as “ Chale,” which is spoken only behind closed doors. Because of their astounding intellects, Thonian nobles know many more languages
Names: High Thonians have given names as well as family names. The family names are honored and respected in accordance with noble tradition. No Thonian noble is to bring disgrace upon his house. Male Names: Andor, Brody, Dindle, Eng, Grall, Helsm, Kang, Lex, Mikeel, Neg, Pang, Stephen, Uther, Ule. Female Names: Aimee, Alieu, Beacle, Cella, Dello, Friella, Katrina, Lail, Meadow, Neula, Silin, Triol. Family Names: Andarian, BroadBelt, Caldeel, Dragoneye, Ellemba, Freely, Grax, Walcrest, Wilde.
Adventurers: High Thonians often adventure for specifi c items required for an invention or to fieldtest a machine on which they are working. A High Thonian noble only travels when protection is available and may leave a group of non-nobles if she feels unsafe.


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