
Ttus broad roadway represents the work of many previous decades. It has now become, for the length of its passage through the Cairn Hills, a highway capable of providing the most elegant of carriages, or the most humble of farm carts, with smooth and safe passage.

The surface is crushed stone packed almost to rocklike solidity. It is everywhere at least 12 feet wide, and in most places a full 20 feet. The grades are gentle and the curves easy, so a speedy coach or rider can travel quickly.

The road is an extension of the River Road that connects Greyhawk to Woolly Bay, though the Highroad meanders much farther from the Selintan River than does its lower counterpart.

In fact, some few miles north of the city the Highroad turns inland to begin its gradual climb into the hills. From then on, the river is only visible at rare moments from the roadway.

The Highroad is patrolled regularly by the watch garrison in the Cairn Hills, and travel upon it is fairly safe. When rolling random encounters for travelers on the road, an encounter is indicated on a roll of 3-6, not 5-6, on 1d6. On a 3, the encounter is with a party of merchants, hunters, or tradesmen. On a 4, the characters meet mine wagons carrying ore to the city or supplies back to the mining towns. On a 5, they meet a detachment of the watch. Only on a 6 should the DM roll for some other Cairn Hills encounter.

Though the Highroad is smooth and wide, the side roads leading to Diamond Lake and Blackstone are much more primitive. They climb steeply. with many switchbacks. narrow spots, and rough places. It is not uncommon for a teamster to have to stop and clear away the debris from a rock slide before he can continue. It takes a strong mount to carry or pull any weight up these roads, and good brakes to get a wagon down safely.


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