
Started with a Town Square and Monument.

Shortly after word of Beygraf Zoltan's assassination, the armies of Gran March moved across the border, harrying those Baklunish who were slow in retreating. In Bissel, the knights attempted to help the people restructure their badly wounded society, even going so far as to appoint members of the Knights of the Watch to vacant positions of authority (without the consent of Bissel's new margrave).

Thereafter, the commandant turned his full attention to the Lost Lands. Sterich was liberated in 588 CY, but war continues in Geoff. Perhaps the greatest victory in the latter came in the town of Hochoch, which was freed in 586 by a Gran March army. The town has since been all but annexed, and its leaders pay tribute to the commandant. It is likely Hochoch and the surrounding lands will officially be made a new great barony of Gran March before long.

Gran March is a Monarchy. It does have a Royal Bloodline

Gran March has the Feature -- Grace's Benevolence.

Feature -- You earn 1XP when you fail a Negotiation Check


Level of Governement is 1

Race is Human

Population score is 30 (+10)

Economy score is 30 (+10)

Oder score is 30 (+10)

Magic score is 11

Culture score is 30 (+10)

Diplomacy score is 11


Stability dice is 2d8

Currently 12 stability points

Gold in treasury is 52000)gp

Skills are Construction, Negotiation, Administration, Influence

Currently there are 8 resources within 18 capacity

30 points to next experience level


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