Imogen Gellett, "Barmaid"

Imogen is chronologically 32 years old but her appearance is that of a young woman of 20, due to a potion of longevity prepared from one of the Shapechangers' victims. She is 5'3" tall, weighs a mere 92 lbs., and has auburn hair and tanned skin. She dresses in cottons and leather, smiles and laughs freely, and is expert at ducking the lecherous grabs from the clientele at the Green Dragon Inn (location R2) where she works as a barmaid. She lives in an apartment on the top floor of this hostelry.

Imogen does pilfer from drunken carousers in the Thieves' Quarter now and then to keep in practice, and likes the challenge of trying her luck on an adventurer, but her main role in life at this point is as an information broker. Her position as barmaid in the rowdy tavern ensures that she overhears many indiscreet remarks from the customers there, of whom adventurers form a goodly percentage. She passes certain of this information on to the Thieves' Guild, but keeps some to herself for the benefit of the Shapechangers, as discussed fully below. When she is out on the hunt (operat ing as a thief), she has all of her magical items with her.

Imogen is a sly, cunning woman, full of guile and with a honeyed tongue. She is also ruthless, vicious, and fights dirty, as attested to by the venom she uses on her weapons-lethal poison if she is on her own, paralyzing venom (effect lasts 1d6 hours) if she is with the Shapechangers.

AC 3 (leather armor + 1 and Dex 18 MV 12; T9: hp 44; THAC0 16/14; #AT 2 (uses two weapons, secondary attack at -1 Dmg 1d6 + 1 (short sword + 1) and 1d4 + 1 (dagger + 1), both + special Str 12, Dex 18. Con 15, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 16; SA poisoned weapons; AL CE.

Thieving skills: PP 75, OL 70, FT 60, MS 70, HS 60, ON 30, CW 95, RL 40.

Magical items: leather armor + 1, short sword + 1, dagger + 1, ring of fire resistance, boots of elvenkind, dust of disappearance, and potion of flying.


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